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Indiva Limited (TSXV:NDVA), a prominent player in the Canadian cannabis industry, has unveiled an enticing opportunity for retail investors through a life private placement, aiming to raise a minimum of $1.094 million at 10 cents per unit. With a staggering 23% market share in Canada’s cannabis edibles market, Indiva stands as a beacon of success in an industry ripe with potential.
In a recent interview with Neil Marotta, the CEO of Indiva, he shed light on the company’s remarkable achievements and its vision for the future. When questioned about the secret behind Indiva’s dominance in the edibles market, Marotta attributed it to the company’s unwavering commitment to crafting irresistible products. Indiva’s portfolio boasts renowned brands like Pearls, Bhang, No Future gummies and vapes, alongside innovative creations like Doppio Sandwich Cookies, 1432 Chocolate, as well as production of Wana gummies under a contract manufacturing agreement with Canopy Growth. Leveraging their expertise in creating delectable products at competitive prices, Indiva has established itself as a force to be reckoned with.
Marotta emphasized that the key to future growth lies in Indiva’s pipeline of new products. With plans to introduce line extensions, new flavors, and cannabinoid ratios, as well as a robust lineup of innovative offerings slated for release throughout 2024, the company is poised for exponential expansion.
In Canada, THC limits are capped at 10 milligrams per package, significantly lower than the 100 milligrams permitted in many US states. This limitation has artificially inflated prices and hindered the growth of the edibles market, with Canada lagging behind at only five or six percent of the total market share versus 12% to 15% market share for edibles in mature US markets, as consumers continue to turn to the illicit market. This needs to change and could see the edible category grow dramatically according to Marotta, perhaps double or even triple as a percentage of the total market, and that would drive huge growth for Indiva’s business.
#1 nationally in the edibles category at 23%* market share
Distribution across 3,000+ stores nationally
* Market share data from Hifyre (October 2023, ex-Wana)
Producer of Pearls by Grön, Wana Gummies, Bhang Chocolate, 1432, Doppio and No Future gummies & vapes
Products sold in all 13 provinces and territories, plus medical channel partners
Organic revenue growth driven by new brand and product innovation; margin expansion driven by automation and margin-accretive products
40,000 square feet; building and land acquired in 2019
Leadership team with decades of experience in CPG, sales, marketing, innovation, operations, QA, and finance
Increased Q4 2023 guidance: record net revenue >$10 million
LIFE Private Placement
Raising: $1,094,000 to $4,094,000
Terms: LIFE exemption offering one free-trading share at 10c and ½ warrant at 15c
The interview above was recorded prior to the release of the Legislative review on March 21, 2024